Training Methods in Physical Education
Training Methods in Physical Education
29,000 MMK
Random House


Training Methods in Physical Education Those training in this mode perform aerobic exercises at a continuous level or rate for extended periods of time. Running or other aerobic training at about 60 percent of maximum heart rate for an hour or longer serves as a good way to help metabolize fat. Running at 70 percent of maximum heart rate for about 90 minutes burns off both fat and glycogen and helps to improve the cardiovascular system. A training method is the form of exercise you select to improve your fitness. The training method selected has a significant impact on training outcomes. Training must be relevant to your goals, this refers to the training principle of specificity. This training method improves strength, power or muscular endurance. The area of fitness developed is determined by the resistance, repetitions, and sets performed. Resistance training can be performed using dumbbells, barbells, resistance machines, pulleys, body weight or equipment such as kettlebells, resistance bands or sandbags. Training adaptations are highly specific. Specificity may be described as an issue of transfer of training. The closer the training movements parallel the kinds of physical activity you are training for, the more effective the influence of training on performance. The present book will be useful for the students, teachers, of physical education and those who are indulged in some research works in the field of physical education and sports sciences.


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